During the mid 2000s, under the direction of esteemed film maker Roberto Maynardez, the Bogota Campus ran an exclusve film studies program for 3 years. The class ran for 2 full semesters per year and culminated in a final course project that consisted of a full length feature film that was acted, shot, produced and edited by the students themselves.
Over the course of the program 3 full feature films were created by our students. The films were released on DVD and distributed globally at a sale price of $50.00 each. Each film garnered global acclaim and recognition while topping the Latino charts for many months. The funds earned went to on to fund the the construction of the Chaves Memorial Photograhy Studio and Dark-Room.

Unfourtunately due to an artistic disgreement between Prof. Maynardez and the St. Samuel's Academy Board of Governors in regards to the subject matter of the student films, Prof. Maynardez opted to take early retirement, and sadly no additional films were ever created as a result.

We are pleased to make this trilogy of films now fully

to be viewed online for the low one time price

of $20 with the Film Department All Access Pass

Please note:

Access to the Academy Film Department is stand-alone and not included with any Twink Academy membership plan.

Click on box cover for details:



Film 3 - Doctor's Orders

The renowned St. Samuel's Academy Bogota, faces on the most serious threats in its illustrious history when a mysterious epidemic starts striking down the boys.

Faced with the danger of parents taking their sons out of school - or even complete closure by the authorities - Headmaster Moreno resorts to desperate measures. He orders Dr. Rodriguez and Dr. Garcia to put all afflicted boys in isolation while they work frantically on finding an antidote.

Of course, as this is St. Samuel's, the two doctors can be relied upon to experiment with a wide range of stimulating - if unorthodox - treatments in their search for a remedy. And, while they do so, the quarantined boys in the school sanatorium show that their illness definitely hasn't affected their sex drives!


Film 2 - Open Day

Young Carlos Isaza is desperate. His kid brother Marcos is out of control. And that's why Carlos is checking out St Samuel's Academy in Bogotá, well known for its success in turning difficult students around. But, as Carlos and Marcos explore, it's clear that the Academy's a pretty extraordinary place in other ways too. Whether they're in the gym, the doctor's surgery, the dining hall, the classrooms or the dormitories, the St Samuel's students seem to have just one thing on their minds. SEX!

And, as the Isaza brothers soon find out, every single one of them is right on target for an "A" grade too.You're invited to join Carlos and Marcos on their Open Day tour.

And remember - at St Samuel's Academy everything's open for inspection!


Film 1 - Field Trip

St Samuel’s Academy in Bogota, Colombia, upholds the finest traditions associated with English private schools. So six students who’ve been caught getting to know each other just a little too well naturally expect the worst when they’re summoned to the Headmaster’s office. But, much to their surprise, the normally strict Dr Moreno offers them a chance to redeem themselves by enrolling on a tough weekend field trip. And that’s just his first mistake – as six sex-hungry schoolboys go WILD, whether it’s at base camp… later when they take a hike through the grasslands… or anywhere else they can find! Jerking, sucking, rimming, fucking – just where did these hot’n’horny youngsters learn it all?

At St Samuel’s Academy, of course!